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Joshmi Joseph

Major: Psychology/Premed


Joshmi was born in New York and joined the Penn State community in the fall of 2018 as a psychology/premed major. She expressed interest in undergraduate research while taking the organic lab during the "mostly virtual" fall of 2020, and joined the Elacqua group. Joshmi is working alongside Mike to learn more about selective photoredox catalysis with single-chain polymers. In her spare time, Joshmi becomes one with the great outdoors through hiking, camping, and/or backpacking! She also has an inordinate passion for listening and discovering new music. Joshmi fell in love with Chemistry throughout her undergraduate classes as it explains the existence of everything. She was very fond of Legos when younger, and found that chemistry resembles it in many ways. We hope that our lab-made polymers will become her new favorite Legos over the next year!

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